Current interests, hobbies, passions:
Steve & I are celebrated our 43rdst Wedding Anniversary May 1st. so I'd have to say the main theme of my 40 plus years has been that of wife, mother, sister in Christ, and most recently, grandmother. We thoroughly enjoyed raising our daughter who is now 40 in June & our two sons who are now 36 & 34 years old. We became grandparents for the 1st time 17 years ago. Two have joined the the "grandchild count" who are 6 and 4 and 18 months. Steve & I love kiyaking & camping w/our little trailer. We have loved our Canadian travels & Zihuatanajo Mexico & Cabois are favorite destinations of ours. Kuaii is our favorite Hawaiian Island to visit. We've had a great time exploring the east coast because our daughter lives in Brooklyn N.Y... Photography & music have been life long passions of mine. I've enjoyed creating photo history DVD's for friends & family & I'm teaching a class on the subject @ a local Senior Center. I'm sharing some of my best "Nature's Artwork" photos that I've collected over the years with mission fundraising efforts. It's been a real joy to see people enjoy using my best photos for their own cards & wall art projects. I entered into the preschool teaching scene years ago when our 3 children were in private Christian school in Seattle. Over the years between 1990-2009 I journeyed from teachers aid to lead teacher to program supervisor and finally director of The Northgate Preschool. I also launched a lunch program for North Seattle Christian School, as well as a Before & After School Program. I enjoyed catering about a dozen weddings during that time period. From Fall 2006 to last fall 2009, I ran my own preschool & daycare in a home my husband totally remodelled for an ideal "kidlet-setting" complete with lots of hands on learning experiences including a giant sand box & garden in the yard. (Thus donned "Grandma's Garden") It was fun, but my Mom's condition w/Alzheimers has brought about a need for in-home care for her, so my husband & I leased Grandma's Garden to a young family who are now having a great time running their own preschool/daycare. My husband, Steve, has been operating his own Home Inspection business for the last 14 years. He initially entered the field as a home inspector for Housemaster Home Inspection Services...did such a good job...he then was successful opening his own business. Presently, I've gotten my Mom & I involved in a Senior Choir here in Edmonds. Singing is one place she journeys to mentally w/ease. She loves singing all the "oldies" w/ her new senior friends & I love singing anything, so "the oldies" bring back memories of my parents singing as we drove along on family excursions. (& Yes, I'm old enough to join a Senior Center).f(Mom passed away March of 2012)..I also love helping w/children's church...sharing stories & songs w/many little ones...I'm so very grateful to God for His goodness and I defer to being Saved by His Grace as the biggest factor for a wonderful, fulfilled life. I've experienced that, knowing the love & presence of God through Jesus Christ His Son, has always given me perspectives & wisdom & insights to really enrich my time on earth...I don't "like" to offend non believers by taking this opportunity to share my faith, but, non believers have to realize that once you've experienced God's Love & becomes your
"payback job" or "pay-it forward job" to share the Good News. My hope & prayers for all Life's Best to friends & classmates from Mead Sr. High. A 2012 addition to my life resume is working for Visiting Angels this last year and really loving it. I recently signed on as Cedar Park Christian School in Lynnwood's Before and After School Care teacher/caregiver and I'm really loving that as well. The elderly that I've been able to lend a helping hand to, are also now dear friends & I can juggle my day to keep helping them out so they can navigate in their own homes. Life is Wonderful! Our kids bought us Christmas gift of being able to spend our 41st wedding anniversary in an awesome treehouse. We're looking forward to that experience, both being great lovers of Trees! :) Our 42nd anniversary we spent in Cabo..It was beautiful and this last 43rd anniversary we spent exploring Oregon and hiking many beautiful waterfalls.