Photos before 1968

This section is for pre-high school photos of the classmates.  If anyone has any elementary class or junior high pictures they would like to post, please contact the site administrators and we can arrange to post them.

Help with identifying the students in the  photos is needed.  Some of the people have been identified.  Some are listed with a (?) where the name isn't certain.

Please look over the photos and if you can identify yourself or other people, send an e-mail to Scott Eymer at  with the information.  Let's put some names to the faces.
Five Mile School, Mr. Warren

Front Bottom Row: Kathy Dixon, Rodney Peterson, Randy Whatts, Patty Seim

Row 2:  Jim Dunham, Randy Dixon, allen Liljenburg, Craig Williams, Tim Fairly, Larry Jones, John Bledsoe, Randy Schiebner

Row 3:  Mary Jo Bratten, Kathy Polly, Valorie Williams, Noreen Bratten, Mary Jean Miner, Ellen Tronsen, Nancy Knott, Jeanine McKellvey, Francis Peterson

Row 4: Mr. Warren, Robert Hutchinson, John Seim, Danny Bratten, Kenny Vannice, Clancy Howard, Ronald Hutchinson, Bruce Corbut, Jerry Fritch.

Greenbluff Elementary, Mrs. Hudson 

Lower Grades

 Front Bottom Row (L to R): Cathy Healy, Kathy Walker, Ellen Kennedy, Melaine Walker, Ann Benedict
Second Row: Skip Wellsandt, Randy Simpson, Robert Knott, Steve Carter, Joe Forkner, Ron Russell, Andy Knapp, Jim Holcomb
 Third Row: Debby McGee, Betty Crisp, John Stevens, Carol Grant, Janet Buhre, Christine Kennedy, Debbie Cook, Nancy Utermarck, Pam Forkner
Fourth Row: Mrs. Hudson (Teacher), Kim Wellington, Ralph Carter, Mel McGinnis, Rick Knapp, Mike Cook, Doug Leaf, Rick McGinnis, Larry White, Mrs. Veltry (Cook)

Greenbluff Elementary, Mr. Hudson
Upper Grades


Front Row (L to R): Anne Benedict, Ellen Kennedy
Second Row: Jim Holcomb, Ralph Carter, Rick McGinnis, Steve Beck, Mel McGinnis, Randy Simpson, Skip Wellsandt
Third Row: Margaret Beck, Debbie McGee, Christine Kennedy, Mary Laws, Gwen Schmidt, Betty Russell, Carol Grant, Melaine Walker
Fourth Row: Ricky Schmidt, Ken Schimanski, Rick Knapp, Doug Simpson, Bobby Leeper, Paul Turner, Ron Russell

Greenbluff Elementary, Mr. Hudson
Upper Grades

Front Row (L to R): Ellen Kennedy, Pam Forkner, Betty Crisp, Ann Benedict
Second Row: Skip Wellsandt, Steve Carter, Andy Knapp, Dennis Taylor, Robert Knott, Randy Simpson
Third Row: Mr. Hudson (Teacher), Debbie McGee, Melain Walker, Carol Grant, Mary Laws, Christine Kennedy, Margaret Beck, Kathy Walker
Fourth Row: Mel McGinnis, Ron Russell, Steve Beck, Rick Knapp, Rick McGinnis, Allen Thompson, Ralph Carter.
 Colbert Elementary 1959-60
Grades 1 & 2 (Mrs Reetz)

1st (bottom) Row:  Kaye Matherly, Tim Swenson, Patricia Bush, Gail Carter, Sherry Walton, Steve Brown, Linda Durheim.
2nd Row:  Davette Hook, Susan Stradley, Cathy MacIntire, Deena Johnson, Chris Peterson, Jenise Felton, Linda Benoschek.
3rd Row:  Roger Willey, LaBerta Walton, Chiere Downie, Ken Brakefield, Anita Baker, Carolyn Bishoff, Charles Felton.
Top Row:  Mrs. Reetz, Ron Lehman, Christy Johnson, Tim Matherly, Karen Horrocks, Virgil Stradley.
Colbert Elementary 1961-62
Grades 3 & 4  (Mr. Murphy)
(Top) row:  Mr Murphy, Davette Hook, Kathy McIntire, Danella Dixon
3rd row:  Linda Benoschek, Roger Willey, Ken Brakefield, Virgil Stradley, Guy Rand, Steve LaBahn, Chiere Downie 
2nd row:  Chris Peterson, Steve Brown, Caroyln Bishoff, ?, Karen Horrocks, Gail Carter, Tim Swenson 
1st Row (Bottom):  Linda Durheim, Susan Stradley, Ron Lehman, Anita Baker, Ron Clark
 Evergreen Elementary 1960-1961 
3rd Grade  (Miss Wages)
1st (bottom) row: Jerry Tully, Steve Schwab, John Tully
2nd row:  Kathy Elston, Kathy Berg, Trudy, Judy Rock, Debbie, Diane Tjomsland, Janice Moulder, Diane Dumaw
3rd row:  Chris Van Dyke ? , John DeMoulin, Mark Diamond, ? , Bryce Donaldson, ? , ? , ?
4th (top) row:  Kathy, Janell Ely, Barbara Simpson, Sally, ? , Judy Grimm
Evergreen Elementary 1962-1963 
4th & 5th Grade  (Mr. Ray) 
Bottom Row: Steve Labahn, Roger Willey, Virgil Stradley, Davette Hook, Kathy McIntire, Danella Dixon  
2nd Row:  Linda Benoschek, Linda Durhiem, Karen Horrocks, Chiere Downie, Anita Baker, Susan Stradley, Carolyn Bischoff, Gail Carter 
3rd Row: Tim Swenson, Guy Rand, Steve Brown, Ron Clark, Ron Lehman, Ken Brakefield, Chris Peterson,   Mr, Ray
Evergreen  Elementary 1963-1964
6th Grade (Mr. Willmering)


1st Row: Ann Moorman, Debbie Bliesner, Brian Strom, Dan Zimmerman, Karen Fink, Diane Dumaw
2nd Row: Kathy Berg, Paul Woodman, Judy Grim, Alan Gull, Tim Daniels, David Axelson, Sheryl Quinn, Patty Bourne
3rd Row: Duane Brown, Pam Anderson, Charles McCoy, Nancy McNett, Kathy Tidd, David Corn, Todd Gunning, Don Axelson, Janice Moulder, Kenny King
4th Row:  Mr. Willmering, David Jeffries, Dan Garner, Paul Buckley, Barbara Simpson, Dale Henke, Jodi Highbarger, John DeMoulin, Brice Donaldson
Evergreen Elementary 1962-1963
5th Grade (Mrs. Riley)


1st Row Diane Dumaw, Donald Axelson, Diane Tjomsland, David Axelson, Kathy Berg
2nd Row Danny Zimmerman, David Watson, Brice Donaldson, David Jefferies, Pal Woodman, Tim Daniels, Brian Strom and Lonnie Allison
3rd Row Sheryl Quinn, Patti Bourne, Kathy Tidd, Jody Highbarger, Julia Cavers, Pamela Anderson, Janice Moulder
4th Row Alan Gull, John DeMoulin, Charles McCoy, Dale Henke, David Corn, Elton Kearney, Daniel Garner, Mrs. Riley
Evergreen Elementary 1961-1962
4th Grade (Mrs. Siegel)

1st Row Steven Schwab, Sheryl Quinn, Pattie Bourne, Danny Zimmerman
2nd Row Diane Tjomsland, Paul Woodman, Kathy Berg, Julia Anderson, Brice Donaldson, Kathy Tidd, Tommy Baumgartner
3rd Row Brian Strom, Daniel Garner, Mark Diamond, Barbara Simpson, Dale Henke, Charles McCoy, David Jefferies, Mrs Siegel
Farwell Elementary 1957-1958
Kindergarten (Mrs. ?)

Top Row: Christi Martens, Mark Diamond, Randy Michaelis, Tim Arneson, ?,Connie Bolish, Tom Holtz, ?, Diana White, ?,Susan Peters, ?, Mrs ?
Middle Row: ?,?, Laurie Opsal, ?, Linda Lahde, ?, ?,?, Vicki Vrem, ?, Margi Stone
Bottom Row: Rick McGinnis, Sandie DeFreese, ?, Larry Farrell,?,?, Todd Gunning,?, Jenny Lindsley
Farwell Elementary 1958-1959
1st Grade (Mrs. Simpson)
1st (bottom) row:  Tommy, Laurel, Ginger, Scott, Rod
2nd row:  Lynn, Jeff, Cathy, David, Judy Rock, Mike S, Mike K, Larry, Rebecca
3rd (top) row: Kenny, Danny, Dianna, Kathleen, Larry, Daryl, Jerry
 Farwell Elementary 1960-61
3rd Grade Mrs. Rosen
1st Row: (Bottom) Cheryl Garland, Linda Ladhe, Sandie DeFreese
2nd Row: Monika, Steve Lessig, Dwight, David, Randy, Alan Zickler, Dahn McGee
3rd Row: Darcy Ann, Carol, Karla Winkleman, Connie, Shelia, Suzzanne, Linda, Sue
4th Row:  Darrell, Chris, Edward, Eddie, Tim Arneson, Larry, Darcy, Loyd
Farwell Elementary 1960-1961
3rd Grade (Mrs. Limburg)
First (bottom) row: Doug Miller, Dan Osterback, Ken Eckley, Larry Thompson, Tom Rosario
2nd row: Robin Temple, Diana Mantese, Kathy Scott, Diana White, Sandra Lynch, Patricia ?, Karen Jack
3rd row: Margo Strange, Diane Moore, Karen Barton, Betty Heritage, Laura Johnson, Sherry Fuson, LeAnn Bradley, Connie Cornehl, Pam Long
top row: Mrs. Limburg, Steve Crofoot, Todd Gunning, Shamus Winkleman, Tom Holz, ?, Tom Patterson, Greg Knudtson, Carl M., ?
Farwell Elementary 1961-1962
4th Grade (Mrs. X)

1st (bottom) Row: Danny, Steve, Brad, Steve L
2nd Row: Dave, Larry, James, Greg, Kenny, ? , Mark Graybeal , Mark Dacary
3rd Row:  Karen Jack, Sandy De Freese, Debbie, Judy Rock, ? , Kathy B, Kathy S, Margo, Dixie, Jenny Lindsay
4th Row  Kristy Martens, Doug, Sandy, Roger, Anita McCoury, Betty, Carol, Karen Campbell, Linda Swanson
Farwell Elementary 1961-1962
4th Grade (Mr. Linahan)
First (bottom) row:Dan Osterback, Todd Gunning, Dwight Bartleson, Ken Hoff, Doug McKitrick
2nd Row: Shamus Winkleman, Jeff Smith, Ray Miller, Ed Johnson, Allan Adams, Mike Boardman, Tom Patterson, Mike Eaton
3rd Row: Karen Barton, Margaret Schneider, Ruth Lathe, Vicky Vrem, Sharon Ogdon, Kathy Young, Monica Olsen, Laurie Opsal, Diana Mantese, Rebecca Swanby
top Row: Donna Rieper, Laura Wells, Becky Ives, Janell Ely, Colleen Hunt, Suzanne Lewis, Kristi Hargraves, Chris Ladish, Mr. Linahan
Farwell Elementary 1962-1963
5th Grade (Miss Adams)
First  (bottom)Row: Carolyn Allum, Danny Fitzgerald, Alan Zickler, David Sprinkle,Pat Compnes, Doug McKitrick
Second Row: Monica Olson, Tom Hoffman, Joel Wells, Kathy Scott, Debbie Pitcher, Cheryl Bjerke, Linda Lahde, Kathy Young, Susie Schultz,
Third Row: Ken Eckley, Kathy Beauchene, Shamus Winkleman, Karen Barton, Janet Jasper, Greg Knudtson, Dwight Bartleson, Randy Gillies, Dahn McGee
Top Row: Mike Eaton, Tom Patterson, Becky Heydon, Betty Heritage, Susan Swanson, Suzanne Lewis, Laurie Wells, Miss Adams
Farwell Elementary 1962-1963
5th Grade (Mr.Borchers)
1st (bottom) row: Steve Lessig, Randy Spink, Darrel Jubinville, Mark Garybeal, Steve Crofoot, Ray
2nd row:  Diane Mantese, Laurie Opsal, Christie Martens, Diane Moore, Margie Stone, Diane White, Pam Sellers, Pam Long, Karen Jack
3rd row:  Janet Buhrer, Mary, Connie, Janell Ely, Karla Winkleman, Carol, Sandy, Anita Mc Coury, Judy Rock
4th (Top) row:  Edward, Todd, Clyde Gillis, ?, Jeff, Ray, Mike Bordman, Dick, Randy, Mr Borchers
Farwell Elementary 1963-1964
6th Grade (Mr. Carter)
1st 1st(bottom) row:  Mark Garybeal, Randy Spink, Dwight Bratlesson, Larry Farel, Larry Wells, Randy Craft, Herb Thomas
2nd row: Pam, Sue, Laurie, Vicki, Sharon, Karen, Diane, Jenny, Danelle, Shamus, Tom, Gay, Darel, Darce, Larry Morran
3rd (top) row:  Sheryl, Connie, Sue, Laurie, Susan, Christy, Janell Ely, Betty, Charmaine, Christine, Judy Rock, Mr Carter

Farwell Elementary 1963-1964
6th Grade (Mr. Fields)
 First (bottom) row: Shannon Sarey, Steve Lessig, Mike Fish, Barry Peckham, Steve Brown, Doug McKitrick, Dan Osterback, ?
2nd Row: Cheryl Garland, Mary Brangwin, Marianne Williams, Linda Lahde, Pam Long, Candy North, Margo Strange, Margaret Schneider, Debbie Humphry, Kathy Beauchene, Randy Sandberg, Tom Patterson, Roger Washburn, Mike Eaton
Top Row: Janet Buhrer, Chiere Downie, Anita Mc Coury, Judy DeHate, Nancy George, Tom Holz, Greg Knudtson, Colleen Hunt, Laurie Wells, Karen Barton, Dahn McGee
Farwell Elementary 1963-1964
6th Grade (Mrs. Lundgren)

Lower 1st Row:   Carolyn Allum, Monika Olson, Kathleen Young, Joel Wells, Edward Stern, Ken Eckley, Steve Crofoot, Danny Fitzgerald
 2nd Row:   Ken Hoff, Alan Ziegler, Cathy Jerred, Linda Benoschek, Cheryl Bjerke, Kristie Hargrave, Dianne Moore, Karen Horrocks, Kathleen Willey,  Tim Swenson,                  Karen Campbell, Karen Kerr, Kathy Scott. 3rd Row:    Karla Winkleman, Patty Young, Carol Morgan, Linda Swanson, Susanne Lewis, Sherry Stevens, Anita Baker, Ron Lehman, Ray Miller, Jeff Smith
Mead Elementary  1957-1958
Kindergarden (Miss. Johnson)
1st (bottom) row: Alan Zickler, Patty Borne, Claudia Merkle, Pam Long, Judy Byrd, Karen Jack, James ONiel, Bill A., Vern Smith, Jeb
2nd Row: Neil Lindquest, Gloria Breeden, Jay, Alan Gull, Vickie H, Sherry Peterson, Margo Strange, LeAnn Bradley, Dahn McGee, Chrystal Vaghn
3rd (top) row: Susane Lewis, Anita Baker, Barbara Simpson, Sherry Mc Mullan, Jody, David Bingham, Steve Reames, Christi Hargraves, Mrs. Johnson
Mead Elementary  1958-1959
1st Grade (Mrs. Weislman)

lower 1st row Margo Strange, Diana Mantese, Linda Lahde,Pam Long, Laurie Opsal
2nd row Doug McKitrick,?,Ron Russel,Mike Eaton,Steve Crofoot, Larry Wells, ?, ?
3rd row Debbie Pitcher, Karen Barton, Donna Rieper, Janell Ely, ?,Susan Swanson, Suzanne Lewis,Dahn McGee, Gloria
Top Row...(1st person may be Roy Whitfield), ?,Steve Moran, ?, Todd Gunning, ?,?

Mead Elementary 1958-1959
1st Grade (Mrs. Thomas)
 First Row (holding sign) Eddie, ?
Second Row Sandie DeFreese, Cheryl Garland, Jenny Lindsley, ?,Christy Martin,Diane Moore,Vicki Vrem, Diane Tjomsland
Third Row ?, Betty Herritage, ?, Barbara Simpson, ?,Karla Winkleman, Connie Bolish,Ruth,?
Top Row ?,Steve martin, Mike Fish, Mark Diamond,?,Lloyd, Roger Washburn,?,Dwight Culbertson Mrs Thomas
Mead Elementary 1959-1960
2nd Grade (Ms. Freeman)

First row Jimmy McKnills, Larry Wells, John Tully, Alan Zickler
2nd row Ken Eckley,Steve Moran, Tim Steele, David Watson, Tom Holtz, Roger , Darrell Jubinville, Raford
3rd row  Susan Schultz,Linda Lahde, Suzanne Lewis,  Margaret Schneider, Pam Long, Sandy Lynch, Dahn McGee, Debbie Pitcher, Karen Jack,  Sandie DeFreese
Top row  Judy Rock, Karen Barton,Colleen Hunt, Shari McMullon, Susan Swanson, Calleen Walker, Karen Campbell,Susan Arnold
Whitworth Elementary 1958-1959
1st Grade (Mrs. Connor)
1st (bottom) row: Cathy Harter, Sherry Peterson, Robin Temple, Cindy McLaughlin
2nd Row: Dick Gray, Phillip Stone, Alan Gull, Gregg Gemmill, ?, Terry McMillan, Steve Mize, Rick Rawson, Mike Anderson
3rd Row: Linda Strasbery, Debbie Humprey, Debbie Adams, Gloria Breeden, Gail, Sherry, Linda Cross, Jody Miller, Claudia Merkel Jan Moulder
4th (top) row: Mrs Connor,  Danny Zimmerman, Neil Lundquest, Don , Ken Campbell, Dennis Myers, Randy Michaelis, Paul Eacker, Miss Hamilton
Whitworth Elementary 1959-60 
2nd Grade (Mrs. Nokes)
First (bottom) row: ?,?,?,?,?, Dick Gray, Lyle, ?
Second row: Karen Dahlgren, ?, Debbie Humphrey, Theresa McAlister, Terry Walline, Gloria Breeden, Janice Scott, Brenda Earp, Crystal, ?
Top row: Steve Mize, Lynn Russell, Steve Reames, Randy Michaelis, Dave Bingham, Steve Barnes, ?, Randy McVay, Paul Eacker, Dave Yates, Tommy (or Danny) Tucker.
 Whitworth Elementary 1960-61 
3rd Grade (Mrs. Seig)

1st (bottom) row: Lynette King, Danny Zimmerman, Dave Jeffries, Alan Gull, Joel Wells, Patty Bourne
2nd  Row:  Kathy Tidd, Sally Stecher, Claudia Merkle, Gloria Breeden, Jody Miller, Brenda Earp, Mimi Dixon
3rd Row: Kenny Clark, Lynn Russell, Mike Eickstadt, David Bingham, Alan Collar, Randy Michaelis, ?, Vern Smith, Miss Seig
 Whitworth Elementary 1961-62
4th Grade (Mr. Sherwood)
1st (bottom) row:  Cindy McLaughen, Ginger Herrington, Robin Temple
2nd row: Tom Stecher, Dan Tucker, Ken Clark, Lynn Russell, George Gibbs, Craig Muzeroll, Mike Fish, Tom Rosario
3rd row:  Mimi Dixon, Rose Winkler, Lilly,  Claudia Merkel, Terry Walline, Debbie Wittwer, Debbie Humphrey, Crystal, Janice Scott
4th row (top) David Bingham, Tim Arneson, Steve Erway, Allan Coller, Doug, Marc Walters, Doug Houser, Ray Eickstadt, Mr. Sherwood
 Whitworth Elementary 1961-62
4th Grade (Mrs. White)

1st (bottom) row: Lynette King, Dorothy Gibbs, Theresa McAlister, Sally Stecher, Connie Mallmo
2nd Row: Karen Dahlgren, Scott Herrington, Chuck Washington, Steve Mize, Greg Gemmill, Joel Wells, Tommy Tucker, Dick Gray, Connie Cornell
3rd Row: Brenda Earp, Susan Peters, Stena Meadows, Gloria Breeden, Joette Detlaff, Debbie Adams, Jody Miller, Christine Huhta, Becky Cooper
4th Row: Paul Eacker, Vern Smith, Randy Michaelis, Dennis Meyer, Ron Farley, Steve Reames, David Yates, Ray Eickstadt, Randy McVay, Mrs White
                                               Whitworth Elementary 1962-1963
                                                    5th Grade   (Mr. Stueve)
Bottom Row: Lynette King, ?, Dick Gray, Rose Winkler, ?
Row 2: Denny Horlacher, Craig Muzzerol, Paul Eacker, Mark Diamond, Lynn Russell, ?, Chuck Washburn, Scott Harrington
Row 3: ?, Jody Miller, Brenda Earp, Becky Cooper, Debbie Wittwer, Nancy George, ?, Chris Huhta, Debbie Humphries
Row 4: Tom Stecher, Tim Arneson, George Gibbs, ?, Allan Coller, Doug Houser, Mike Eickstadt, Steve Reames
 Whitworth Elementary 1963-64 
6th Grade (Mr. Johnson) 

1st (bottom) Row: Dorothy Gibbs,Tom Rosario, Stanley Kenworthy, Kyle ?, Chuck Washington, Sherrie Fuson
2nd Row:  Daniel Johnson, Denny Horlacher, Jack Billings, David Yates, David Bingham, Marc Walters, Randy McVay, Craig Muzeroll, Dennis Meyer 
3rd Row: Ginger Herington, Jody Miller, Jan Jasper, Janice Scott, Claudia Merkel, Gloria Breeden, Chris Huhta, Susan Peters, Becky Cooper, Rose Winkler, Peggy Gregorak, Cynthia Neshem, Mrs. Langbehn
4th Row: Mr Johnson, Ray Eickstadt, Randy Michaelis, Doug Houser, Tim Arneson, Bruce Johnson, Alan Collar, Mark Dimond, Ron Farley, Steve Reames
 Whitworth Elementary 1963-64 
6th Grade (Mrs. Beyersdorf) 

 First Row (bottom): Sandie DeFreese, Dick Gray, Ray Golly, Steve Mize, Scott Herrington, Lynnette King
Second Row: Kit Lynch, Karen Dahlgren, Miriam Dixon, Margo Schmidt, Peggy Davis, Teresa McAllister, Arceil Gadeken, Jane Morton, Vicki Hansen, Rozanne Woolley
Third Row: Paul Eacker, Lynn Russell, Vernon Smith, George Gibbs, Steve Erway, Lee McLeery, Terry Riddle, Greg Piukkula, Ray Eickstadt, Greg Gemmill, Howard Thompson
Fourth Row: Debbie Adams, Stena Meadows, Gail Winnifred, Debbie Wittwer, Vicky Lovell, Linda Cross, Brenda Earp, Sandra Lynch, Joette Detlaff, Diane White


Mead Junior High
9th Grade HOME ROOMS:



***Do you have a class photo from Kindergarden through Jr High?  Share them with the class on this site!  Email your photos to Scott Eymer at

Please take a moment to identify as many classmates as you can in your photos.