Barbara Simpson Arnold

Profile Updated: June 4, 2021
Residing In: Spokane, WA USA
Spouse/Partner: Rocky
Occupation: Owner, Manager, Daycare Currently retired
Children, grandkids? GREAT GRANDKIDS? Age and names: Son Timothy Arnold 1974 Has his Masters degree in Teaching but sort of gave up the idea of getting his More…Doctorate when his wife Darcy got Cancer. Life got in the way and now he Works Bullet Proof Tattoo and is in construction. Darcy works at Rock Wood Clinic in the HR dept. Twins Arabella and Gabriel born Feb 2012 Sons Timothy and Tyler Arnold have opened up a new venue call Jedi Alliance....2024 E Boone Ave. 75 Vintage Video games and pin ball Ramones Museum and a gift shop is no open Sunday 5pm-10pm $10 gets you in the door all video games are free....all ages can also be rented for parties.
Son Tyler Arnold 1978 Works Bullet Proof Tattoo Spokane WA. He is also Lead Guitar player/singer of Deadones USA. They have recorded 6 CD'S and will be touring in August. They will play in Seattle, Portland, Las Vegas to name a few.
GRAND CHILD Ashton Arnold 2003
StepSon David Arnold 1975 Security casino Wife Shelley
Hayden 1998
Ethan 2002
Benjimine 2002
Cassandra 2003
Dawson 2007
Caydance 2008
Stepson Andrew Arnold 1977 work Mail man Wife Tracey work for CPS Elisha 2014
Stepdaughter Lisa Chapman 1979 works Spokane Optical Husband husband Michael Chapman newest member of the family works at Mid Mountain Machinery. grandsons
Charlie born August 2015 this is the last one according to the kids.....
Parker Chapman born Feb 24,2011
Mason Chapman Jan 2013
Charlie will be born in Sept 2015
Current interests, hobbies, passions:

Rocky and I are currently adding onto and remodeling a house we bought as a rental in 06 and then moved into in 07. Downsizing to a smaller house has had its plus and minuses, but after the 5 kids were all grown and gone we didn't need all the room or all the work that a big house required. We also enjoy traveling and we are looking forward to our 25th anniversary which we will celebrate on a cruise to Alaska this August. Getting close to our 30th Anniversary in August. We sold the house and moved close to the Vets Hospital to another house that needs a remodel. I am beginning to think its in our blood! This makes house number 6 that we have redone. Rocky says this is the last one! I bought an adult tricycle and I ride through the cemetery every chance I get (no traffic). I am working on researching and reaching out to classmates that have not been on the website. Letting them know about the 50th year reunion. We have 13 Grandchildren and love spending time with them. We bought a bigger boat and will now be able to go fishing in the Ocean.

2021 Update HERE...we want to know your update BEFORE the Reunion

Been baby sitting the twins 2 days a week. Went to Fairmount Hot springs for our annual week at the Condo. Still working on the house. Just Hired a contractor to finish the job. Enjoyed First night as often as possible. So fun to see classmates and catch up with those I know and getting to know the ones I didn't.
Spending as much time as I can with my birthmother as she's not well. Many trips to Auburn to help take care of her as she has chosen to be at home. I am still working on the house always finding a new project or 2. Don't know what Ill do if I run out of new ideas.
Planning a cruise for next summer. Spending time at Jedi Alliance with my sons. It is a venue with 75 video games, pinball machines, gift shop, museum, and snack bar. The boys have dreamed of this since in their teens. We have a new grandson born in Early September. Charlie makes number 13. Lucky that all our Grand children live within an hours travel. Once in a while I think Id like to open my childcare back up but Rocky tells me to wake up as I am dreaming. Good thing for him or Id probably get myself in trouble. We celebrated our 30th anniversary August 19. Not much else happening but sometimes quiet is good. We lost my brother Peter Simpson Late 2014. My birthmother passed Nov 2015 so all that is left is my 2 sons, Husband Rocky and his kids, our grandchildren and myself. Grandkids the house and church keep me busy. Projects are just about finished. And yes I am hanging up my tool belt! But if you need help knocking down a wall or 2 give me a call! My doctor an I talked about more surgery and I said NO! I am going in AFOs to try and keep on my feet. I've been diagnosed with Charcot Marie Tooth Disease, which I hate but at least after all these years I have a diagnosis. I found my birth father in 2019 he is 90 years old. with him came my 4 sisters and a brother. Its sad that my mother miss informed me when I found her in 1989 that my birthfather had passed away. I missed many years with my family.

Whatcha been up to since Mead 1970?

Married 1972 - Divorced 1985
Married 1985 to present. YES I still have the same last name as last time. And no I didn't pick him out of the phone book so I could keep my initials. (heard that one a million times!) Been very blessed with a wonderful family and a full life. Cashier for 2 years Ame's IGA, Mead school district bus driver l year, Guild school 9 years, Cashier and Produce manager in an IGA store in Sheridan Montana for 2 years.
Childcare 20 years. After his retireing from Cominco American after 22 years Rocky works with me in daycare. He is a jewel and the love of my life. Retired in 2010 got board took a job at Assisted Residential Services taking care of elderly handicapped. After that I took a Job with Durham as a special needs Aide. Now I have finally retired for good. Traveling is so much more fun than working and I do not get board.
We tried country life for 3 years on 20 acres in TUM TUM WA. Wasn't my idea of enjoyable living. Lived in Montana for 3 years when husbands job with Cominco American was moved, loved the area hated not being near family. We lived in Auburn WA for 2 years, bought, remodeled, and sold 9 houses. Now just waiting till I can retire and travel more. I spent 1989 searching for my birth mother. Found her and have spent the past 21 years getting to know her. Lost my adoptive mom in 1990 and adoptive dad in 1996. Birth brother 2007.
My Savior Jesus Christ has lead me through many ups and downs in my life and I know in my heart that with out my trust and faith in him I would not be where I am today. My favorite saying is
I have worked 3 days a week watching the twins for 2 years! Retire NAW!

A Memorable Mead Moment

Way before we were in HIGH SCHOOL, Before they built Evergreen elementary they had sent the over flow of children to MEAD HIGH SCHOOL for kindergarten. The first day when the bus dropped us off I got lost on the way to class and was found sitting under the water fountain by the library crying. All I can remember is the sea of great big tall people every where and I got caught in the middle of it and pushed aside. That was also the year that when the teacher sat us all in a circle and asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up I told her I wanted to be a DUCK.
I Also remember not so fondly the car wreck that Sue Swanson, Linda Chester and I had in my car on the way home from a valley football game where Mead played CV. We were coming up Market and a van ran the stop sign and slammed into us spun us around and slammed into us again. The Motor of my Toyota almost landed in our laps as the 3 of us had crammed into the front seat.

Do you still hang out with any classmates?

I hang out with my side kick Anne Hooper from our class.
I had lunch with Alan Coller and Jody Miller a couple of times in the past months. Kathleen Bloom from the class of 65 is one of my closest friends. Been going to the Class gathering the 1st Thursday of the month every chance I get. We have a great time with old friends and getting to know new ones! Spent a lot of time with Doyle Wheeler and his wife Penny. My Oldest friend Alan Coller Passed away recently and I miss him so much! He was quite the character and will be sadly missed.

What teacher made the greatest impression on you and why?

Mrs Kite ART CLASS. Because she pushed me and taught me to believe in myself and in my talents. I loved all my teachers. I had ADHD PDSD and Bipolar that wasn't diagnosed and they thought I was special needs so they had me in special classes.

What have you always wanted to do that you haven't done yet?

A trip to Australia

What would we be surprised to know about you?

In the past 2 years I've spent most of the time in a wheel chair. In the past 3 years I have had 6 surgeries to correct both feet that had developed tumors over the past couple of years. They were also deformed at birth. I am enjoying being back on my feet and although I am still in rehab I think I am doing really well. Only one surgery away from being done. The week after Christmas 2012 I tore down the wall between the living room and the bathroom making a greatroom Rocky helped me move the bathroom then we moved the kitchen. i built a walk in closet in our bed room, a walk in closet in the bathroom, a walkin pantry in the kitchen, and a coat closet in the hallway. I've done all the demo, framing, and sheet rocking. Now to texture and paint then ready to lay the plank flooring. Hhmmm. Whats next?

Barbara's Latest Interactions

Barbara Simpson Arnold has left an In Memory comment for Profile.
Oct 02, 2024 at 12:55 PM

OH Sally. What can I say? You were such a sweet heart. I'll treasure our friendship always. Fly high dear friend?? Love you Barb

Oct 02, 2024 at 12:40 PM

Dear Sheri we were the best buddies until we got eeach other in trouble. Not sure anymore who started it but our folks thought it was serious enough to keep us apart. We had some awesome times that I will fondly remember. RIP MY DEAR FRIEND??

Mar 21, 2024 at 1:33 AM
Mar 21, 2023 at 1:33 AM
Mar 21, 2022 at 1:33 AM
Barbara Simpson Arnold has left an In Memory comment for Profile.
Oct 07, 2021 at 7:56 PM

Steve. So sad to hear of Kathy's passing. She will be greatly missed. I am glad we got to visit over the years at our Mead dinners. Prayers for you and the family

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Jun 04, 2021 at 12:19 PM
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Jun 04, 2021 at 12:19 PM
Barbara Simpson Arnold added a photo to profile gallery.
Jun 04, 2021 at 12:13 PM
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Jun 04, 2021 at 12:11 PM
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Jun 04, 2021 at 12:10 PM
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Jun 04, 2021 at 12:09 PM
Barbara Simpson Arnold added a photo to profile gallery.
Jun 04, 2021 at 12:08 PM
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Jun 04, 2021 at 12:06 PM
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Jun 04, 2021 at 12:04 PM
Barbara Simpson Arnold added a photo to profile gallery.
Jun 04, 2021 at 12:03 PM
Barbara Simpson Arnold added a photo to profile gallery.
Jun 04, 2021 at 12:03 PM
Barbara Simpson Arnold added a photo to profile gallery.
Jun 04, 2021 at 12:02 PM
Barbara Simpson Arnold added a photo to profile gallery.
Jun 04, 2021 at 12:01 PM
Barbara Simpson Arnold added a photo to profile gallery.
Jun 04, 2021 at 12:01 PM
Posted: Jun 04, 2021 at 12:19 PM
Posted: Jun 04, 2021 at 12:19 PM
Posted: Jun 04, 2021 at 12:13 PM
Posted: Jun 04, 2021 at 12:11 PM
Posted: Jun 04, 2021 at 12:10 PM
Posted: Jun 04, 2021 at 12:09 PM
Posted: Jun 04, 2021 at 12:08 PM
Posted: Jun 04, 2021 at 12:06 PM
Posted: Jun 04, 2021 at 12:04 PM
Posted: Jun 04, 2021 at 12:03 PM